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The QLD Accreditation Resource Kit provides information to current accredited centres to help achieve and maintain the current standards of accreditation. For those seeking more information on how to become an accredited centre or to read more about the benefits and opportunities please refer to the following:
- Benefits of Accreditation
- Becoming an Accredited Visitor Information Centre
- Signage policy and accreditation criteria
If you are a staff member or volunteer currently working or overseeing an accredited centre in Queensland, you are welcome to join the 'Explore Queensland Network Facebook Group'. The group encourages casual conversations, questions, intel and VIC related announcements within this digital space. Please be aware that all posts are pre-approved for quality assurance purposes and monitored by The Tourism Group team. Contact admin@thetourismgroup.com.au for any related questions.Additional recommended social pages to join/follow include: - Explore Queensland Network Facebook group.
- Tourism Queensland Facebook Page, Consumer Youtube Channel and Industry Youtube Channel.- Australia.com Facebook Page, Consumer Youtube Channel and Industry Youtube Channel. - Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) - Queensland Information Centre Association (QICA) - Women in Tourism (Australia)
The QLD accredited centres map is currently being updated and expect to be released by the end of May 2023. The map will include all centre locations, phone contact information and details of wifi availability. If you would like to most updated version, please contact admin@thetourismgroup.com.au.
Accredited centres are eligible to apply for accredited road signage which helps director visitors to their centres location and enhance the visibility of the network throughout the state. If your centre is wanting to upgrade, replace or obtain quotes for road signage, please refer to the Tourist & Service Sign Guidelines (As of July 2021). Visit the following link to submit an application and contact your regional representative for any questions you may have.
The collection of data is important to assist in valuing the relevancy of the services provided by the QLD network. The statistics guide (April 2023) was recently updated and is emailed to each centre each month to submit the requested statistics. If centres have any related questions, please contact admin@thetourismgroup.com.au.
The half-yearly 22-23 financial year statistics are available to view at the following links. Centres are welcome to request for individual infographic reports by contacting admin@thetourismgroup.com.au. - Whole of State - Townsville North Queensland - Cairns & Great Barrier Reef - Mackay Isaac - Capricorn - Bundaberg - Fraser Coast - Sunshine Coast - Brisbane - Gold Coast - Southern Queensland Country - Outback Queensland - Gladstone
The network is distributed a monthly e-newsletters that informs the network of current industry events, news, local stories, statistics and other content supporting the accreditation program. Contact carlie@thetourismgroup.com.au to be added to the mailing list or if you have relevant content to share.
The Queensland Regional brochure guide is currently being updated and will be uploaded to the website by end of May 2023. The guide showcases the current regional guides for each Queensland region or town associated with an accredited visitor information centre. Special drive maps are also included. If centres have produced a new guide, please ensure you send an image of the front cover to deborah@thetourismgroup.com.au and advise the following details: number of guides per box, size of the guide (Eg. A4), download/online link (if available) and distribution details such as Link Logic.
The 2018 research paper 'A National Perspective on Visitor Information Servicing' showcases how extensive work creating new business models around visitor information servicing has occurred and reveals VICs are far more than a ‘bricks and mortar’ information service. Staff and volunteers are increasingly delivering visitor information services in additional ways to meet the changing needs of visitors and the paper summarises insights from research, literature and success stories nationally and internationally. It provides a fresh view on the future of accredited VICs and the priorities to remain competitive and relevant.
Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) produced the 'A Way forward for Queensland VICs directions paper to capture future thinking about the role of accredited VICs as information providers. It was written in response to fundamental changes driven by technology, as consumers seek travel information from a number of digital and online resources. VICs have the opportunity to powerfully influence a visitor’s travel planning beyond what is possible from technology alone, by listening to their needs, providing inspiration and ensuring they receive the information they need. Proactive centres, in turn, can generate significant economic and social benefits for the tourism industry and local community.
The National VIC directions paper demonstrates a national commitment to ensuring accredited VICs continue to be valued by visitors, the tourism industry, RTOs, local government and communities. It was created and distributed to VICs, STOs, local government and RTOs as a summary of the current status of accredited VICs in Australia and the strategies required to maintain a thriving and sustainable VIC network.
Virtual Reality in VICs
- Benefits of Accreditation
- Becoming an Accredited Visitor Information Centre
- Signage Policy & Accreditation Criteria
- Explore Queensland Network (Facebook)
- Tourism Queensland Facebook Page, Consumer Youtube Channel and Industry Youtube Channel.
- Australia.com Facebook Page, Consumer Youtube Channel and Industry Youtube Channel.
- Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC)
- Queensland Information Centre Association (QICA)
- Women in Tourism (Australia)
- Cairns & Great Barrier Reef
- Townsville North Queensland
- Whitsundays
- Mackay Isaac
- Capricorn
- Bundaberg
- Fraser Coast
- Sunshine Coast
- Brisbane
- Gold Coast
- Southern Queensland Country
- Outback Queensland
- Gladstone
The Statistics Guide was streamlined in August 2021 and details how centres can effectively and correctly capture their monthly data and statistics. Centres are encouraged to contact admin@thetourismgroup.com.au if they would like copies of their submitted results or would like to change the primary contact who receives the monthly statistics.
The National Directions paper demonstrates a national commitment to ensuring accredited VICs continue to be valued by visitors, the tourism industry, RTOs, local government and communities. It was created and distributed to VICs, STOs, local government and RTOs as a summary of the current status of accredited VICs in Australia and the strategies required to maintain a thriving and sustainable VIC network.